2023-05-31 00:56:37来源:互联网
1、tension n. 张力,拉力;紧张,不安;电压vt. 使紧张;使拉紧1.This can help ease the tension . 这样能帮助缓和紧张局面。
2、 2.In fluids , forces of tension and shear can often be ignored . 在流体中,张力和切力通常可以忽略不计。
3、 3.Arab moderates may be able to convince the Bush administration that the best way to ease tension would be for America itself to be more flexible . 阿拉伯温和派也许能说服布什政府相信,缓和紧张形势的最佳方式可能是使美国自身变得更加有弹性。
4、 nervous adj. 神经的;紧张不安的;强健有力的1.More than disquiet about the present , voters nervous about the future . 选民们不只是对现状感到不安,更对未来感到焦虑。
5、 2.Electrical potentials , the basis of every nervous system , are one way of doing this . 电势是所有神经系统的基础,是提供这种沟通的一种方式。
6、 3.Although stem cell transplants have many advantages , switching on the innate capacity of the adult nervous system to repair itself would be much more straightforward . 干细胞移植虽有许多好处,但启动成人神经系统原有的修补能力来自行修复,应该是要直截了当得多。
7、 strain n. 张力;拉紧;负担;扭伤;血缘vi. 拉紧;尽力vt. 拉紧;滥用;滤去;竭力1.That will add strain to financial markets . 这么做将增加金融市场的压力。
8、 2.The value of the threshold strain is determined by calibrating the coating . 阈值应变的数值是靠对涂层进行标定测出来的。
9、 3.By then an effective vaccine against the new strain would be really welcome . 到那时,一种针对新型病毒的有效疫苗,将真的很受欢迎。
10、 intension n. 强度,烈度;加强,加剧;紧张1.The production of solidification agents can well solve the problems that strength forming needs a long time and the intension is lower in the early period . 固化剂产品就能很好的解决形成强度的时间较长,早期强度低这一问题。
11、 2.Treasury Secretary Paulson also spoke of his intension to boost institutions that provide consumer credit in the form of credit cards as well as student and automobile loans . 财政部长保尔森也谈到了他的担心,即鼓励信用机构以信用卡贷款、学生贷款和汽车贷款的形式提供消费信贷。
12、 3.The first part systematically combs the intension of the film —globalization , and the localization transformation course of Chinese film theory person to the globalization theory . 本文第一部分分析论述了电影全球化的内涵及其对中国电影所产生的双重影响,整理了中国电影理论学者对全球化理论进行本土化改造的过程。
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